The Benefits of starting Early

Cost of Procrastination. Saving a huge sum of money for your retirement or education plan may seem like a dounting task but with time coupled with the power of compounding interest, you will be amazed by how much your funds can grow simply by making investments.

Prinsip pemurataan kos ringgit melibatkan teknik pelaburan berkala berdisplin yang mungkin akan digunakan untuk mencapai kesan maksimum dalam pelaburan amanah saham.Berdasarkan prinsip ini, seorang pelabur hanya perlu melaburkan sejumlah wang secara berkala ke dalam dana amanah saham pilihannya dalam sesuatu tempoh.

Dengan cara ini, beliau tidak perlu risau akan pemasaan pasaran, atau mengenai harga saham atau kadar faedah. Jumlah pelaburan berkala akan membolehkan beliau membeli kurang unit apabila pasaran meningkat, dan lebih unit apabila pasaran menurun. Oleh demilian , beliau akan dapat mengumpul unit pada kos purata yang mana adalah lebih rendah daripada purata NAB seunit dalam tempoh yang sama. Ini mewakili kesan pemurataan kos-ringgit.


Why Invest ?

These are difficult times we are living in nowadays, and people tend to
find challenges when it comes to their finances. People even work double
— even triple — time just to earn enough money to support their own
needs and those of their families.

However, we must understand that it is difficult to get rich just by
working harder, even if we get ourselves more than two jobs at a time —
not to mention that we will be spending a lot of time and effort
working, which might deteriorate our health as well. If we get sick, we
will be spending money for our hospitalization and medicines, which is
not really good.

So why do we have to invest after all?

Let's say, investing is really one of the best ways to secure one's
future. This is a great way to have that financial security that most of
us, if not all, are aiming for.

  1. Being well-diversified financial instruments, they are less risky than if you were to invest in individual stocks.
  2. You can reap investment opportunities from all over the world, as they are invested globally and into different financial instruments.
  3. They are managed by professional fund managers who aim to obtain higher returns for your money. You do not need to monitor equity markets closely for fluctuations.
  4. There is a wide selection of unit trusts available to meet the different investment objectives of investors. Staying invested over time, these returns can compound to very attractive amounts, unlike savings deposits.
  5. Fund houses are bound by agreement to purchase the unit trusts back from you should you decide to sell your holdings, at the prevailing price on the date of sale, regardless of the number of units sold. Liquidity gives flexibility.

Hubungi Agen Unit Amanah

This blog promotes investment in Malaysia-top ranked Syariah-compliant unit trust funds managed by Public Mutual. Investment can be made using cash/cheque or your EPF account 1. Contact AYOB for investment; Call:0134178400. Please also contact me if you would like to become an agent.

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