The Benefits of starting Early
Cost of Procrastination.
Saving a huge sum of money for your retirement or education plan may seem like a dounting task but with time coupled with the power of compounding interest, you will be amazed by how much your funds can grow simply by making investments.
When deciding how to invest your money, there are many choices available. Most collective funds offered by professional investment managers like us invest into one, or a combination, of four major categories – cash, bonds, property or equities.
Each of these investments carries a different level of risk, but also different levels of potential return.
If you are primarily invested in cash or bonds, then stockmarket wobbles may be of little consequence. If, however, the majority of your portfolio is invested in equity funds, then any stockmarket volatility may impact the short¬term performance of your holdings.
The important factor to consider is whether your investments are aligned with your risk tolerance, your time horizon, and your individual goals.

Each of these investments carries a different level of risk, but also different levels of potential return.
If you are primarily invested in cash or bonds, then stockmarket wobbles may be of little consequence. If, however, the majority of your portfolio is invested in equity funds, then any stockmarket volatility may impact the short¬term performance of your holdings.
The important factor to consider is whether your investments are aligned with your risk tolerance, your time horizon, and your individual goals.

Labels: Balance Fund, Bonds, Equity, Money Market
Hubungi Agen Unit Amanah
This blog promotes investment in Malaysia-top ranked Syariah-compliant unit trust funds managed by Public Mutual. Investment can be made using cash/cheque or your EPF account 1. Contact AYOB for investment; Call:0134178400. Please also contact me if you would like to become an agent.